jquery ajax call on focusout
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How to call ajax on every focus out in jquery

Call an ajax js on focusout if you have jQuery installed.

<script type="text/javascript">
    $('.l-row input[type="text"]').on('focusout', function() {
        var valu=$agents.attr('data-value');
        var item=$(this).val(); // here, this will be the input element that just fired a focusout event.

        var page_id="<?=$page=basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>";
            url: '<?=base_url()?>record_edit',
            type: 'post',
            data: 'id='+valu+'&page_id='+page_id,

This will attach focusout event handlers for all the inputs with "type=text" in ide the div with class="l-row"

Origanally found it here at Stackoverflow.

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