A company with the vision of being the largest flooring installation company in Metro Detroit. Their path to success includes a consumer facing website, custom content management system, vertical specific reporting and a strong online presence.
Array ( [work_id] => 35 [clienttype] => current [mytitle] => Web Developer [sitetype] => crm [sitetype2] => flooring [worktype] => layout, html, css, php, mysql [company] => Carpet Guys [name] => carpet guys [url] => https://www.carpetguys.com/ [anchor] => carpet and flooring [description] =>Create, code and implement an online marketing plan that successfully increases brand awareness along with revenue generation through SEO, PPC, Re-targeting and off-site branding.
My Work at The Carpet Guys [nofollow] => yes [cms] => custom [revtype1] => sales lead [revtype2] => site management [revtype3] => [plugin1] => custom crm [plugin2] => custom content management system [plugin3] => custom web forms [plugin4] => custom front end [plugin5] => custom backend [image1] => https://www.cguild1.com/images/logos/sq_carpetguys.png [image2] => https://www.cguild1.com/images/screenshots/carpetguys.com/landing-small.jpg [image3] => [image4] => [image5] => [template] => templates/work/content-carpetguys.php [screenshotfolder] => carpetguys.com ) 1